

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Fri Jan 17 16:40:54 2014
    gene778 posted in Buttons Disappear.

    Confirmation of problem connected to reload of asterisk/freepbx.

    I just made some changes to my asterisk server via my Freepbx panel and when I pressed the submit and reload,
    the buttons on my FOP2 immediately all disappeared. My FOP2 panel now says "no buttons".

  2. Fri Jan 17 16:14:24 2014
    gene778 started the conversation Buttons Disappear.

    In the past week the FOP2 ver 2.27 buttons are disappearing from the screen.
    I do a service fop2 restart and they reappear and all is well. I find this happening several
    times a day now! This was never happening before. I thought it was connected to
    my reloading asterisk after I make changes via the Freepbx web interface to
    asterisk. There have been several upgrades to Freepbx in the past week that may
    be connected to this problem.

    Any other people experiencing the same problem?

    Let me know if you need more info on the problem.

    Thank you,
    Gene in Virginia, USA

    Asterisk (Ver. 11.401076M), 64 Bit Debian 7 Wheezy OS

  3. 11 years ago
    Wed Jun 5 22:47:31 2013

    In this particular instance/installation:

    Unfortunately, my new version of Debian (Wheezy 64bit) and the old version of FOP2 (2.26) were not compatible.
    So I had no chance of installing the older version, running the license, and then upgrading to 2.27.

    I had upgraded my old Debian 6 (32 bit) to FOP2 (2.27) but the upgrade to 2.27 was not recognized on the new install.

    If you have the same problem that I had, make sure you let Nicolas know of this particular problem, so he can get you up and running.

    Thank you Nic for your help--again!

  4. Wed Jun 5 14:24:25 2013

    The following occurs during registration of fop2 2.27 in a new installation:

    First: Successful revoke of license in old server.

    New server Debian Wheezy 64 bit Asterisk 11, version 2.26 of FOP2 did not work
    and installed version 2.27 at per your advice and "lite version" is working.

    Now during license transfer to new machine the following occurs:

    "Serial code not available for version 2.27.
    You can register only version 2.26."

    Please advise how to register. The system is working fine
    except for the fop2 panel.

    In appreciation of your work, I recently upgraded to higher
    level license. I now have 3 license codes, the original and
    two upgrade codes. They were successfully used to upgrade from
    2.26 to 2.27 on the old server before installation of the new
    server was completed. Which will I use to register on the
    new installation?

    Thank you, Nic.

    Gene in Virginia, USA

  5. Mon May 20 14:33:18 2013

    Thank you Nic,
    Worked like a charm.

  6. Thu May 16 18:33:22 2013

    Hello Nic from Gene in Virginia USA,
    I am setting up a new asterisk11 box, Debian 7 Wheezy 64 bit, FPBX,
    I get the same error message as the person above. Should I try the symlink solution?
    Or what and where is fop2 2.27? I am using 2.26.
    I definitely downloaded the 64 bit fop2 install.

    I do not see a libcryto so file in either the lib or lib64 directories.

    Thank you.

  7. 12 years ago
    Mon Mar 19 14:18:25 2012
    gene778 posted in FOP2 running but cannot login.

    Same problem immediately after upgrading to 11.0 Firefox.
    Solution was:
    Change disablewebsocket to true
    restart fop2 ( "service fop2 restart" from your # prompt on linux asterisk box )
    ****and you must reload the fop2 via the "shift reload" in your Firefox browser as
    described by Nicolas in these posts. Otherwise you get the same problem.
    The stored fop2 code in the cache will not load.

    Thank you Nicolas.

  8. Tue Jan 24 21:30:37 2012

    I have recently had conferences with more than 40 participants that enter the conference as muted which shows a red icon on the panel next to their number. If a caller unmutes and then the operato panel mutes them it turns red again. But with many people on the line, how do you remember which red muted button was a result of the admin and not the participant? If a person is muted by admin on the panel, only the panel can unmute them.

    If several people out of the 40 unmute themselves and the panel operater quickly mutes what he thinks are the guilty noisy parties, there is no difference in the color of the icon that was muted by the admin or by the participant himself.

    Is there a way to make the icon different if the person if muted by the panel operator? That way you would know who is controlling the mute. If a person tries to unmute his phone, it will not be unmuted by their own hitting of *1. They have to count on the admin at the panel giving permission to talk, ie unmuting the phone.

    Thanks for your work and this program,

  9. Mon Jan 23 15:54:33 2012
    gene778 posted in Extension showing null.

    I had the same thing happen and when I asked the person who's extension was "Null", they had changed their status from "Available" to "Other" while not taking calls. When you click "other" you get a dialogue box that asks you to enter a value, not knowing what to put in the box if you hit cancel, the "Null" mouse over will result and the icon will change to a green box of the person trying to change their status. Change the status back to available and the green null icon will go away.