Last active 7 years ago
Thank you very much! Why you didn't say me how to compile before?)
I will compile and send you finished lang file today or tomorrow. After our costomer tests.
But is there a way to see who parked call?
I wait correct encoding too, because we are buying this plugin now...
And another one situation. Operator ....1 in up queue green and have timer. Operator ......0 In down - orange with the same timer. But there only one call that came to up queue and was picked up.
Second issue. queue was calling to operator .....1, but operator .....0 picked it up the call. Timer begins with both (pic).
Hi! I have a strange issue. I have 2 queue with identical operators (operator ......0 in up queue is the same in down queue). From time to time operators in the second queue (down on the pict) bacame orange without timer (operator ......0 in my pict). This queue is not used now, i.e. nobody call to it. When I point mouse on a operator ....0 in up queue (there he is green), I see, for example, he has taken 21 calls. If I do the same with this operator in down queue (he is orange there),he has taken 20 calls. Really from asterisk he has taken 21 calls.
PS. It happens when operator transfer call. And from time to time call is comming to up queue, but after answer timer begins in down queue at the same operator.
The problem is not solved at all. When operator calling to external number by phone, all works fine. But when calling by FOP2 panel (by entering number or by speed dial plugin) in FOP2 it still looks like operator calling himself.
In this case the first call is to operator's phone, second is to destination and farther asterisk bridging them. But is there a way to show destination num on the button?
Could you add to translate 'users' tab and remove 'shortcats'?
And from time to time some operators in queue buttons becomes orange (busy) without timer, but 'asterisk queue' shows they all are 'not in use'. And if operator is a member of two queues, in one he is gereen, in another one is orange=)
All this issues happens only with queue button. Extension buttons work perfect at the same time. logoff and clean browser cache doesnt help.
Hi! Yes, asterisk 13.8. FOP2 is the latest.
Its not serious problem for me. But if you will fix it, it will be good=)
PS. It happens from time to time, not always.
PPS. Sometimes only one operator is speaking, but in queue button timer works for two. And time for both operators is equal. In asterisk queue first operator has state 'in call, not in use', second is 'in use'. all other is 'not is use'. What is it?