

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 13 years ago
    Tue Sep 20 15:47:19 2011
    mac86 posted in Another login problem.


    Reinstalling will not fix issues (unless you had a very broken install). You have to debug/troubleshoot, Use firebug in firefox or open the javascript console in safari/chrome.

    In any case, try to catch me on the live help to sort things out. I will be online most of the day tomorrow..

    gracias nicolas, te voy a tener q molestar tambien porque la licencia me dejo de funcionar
    (creo que es por tantas pruebas de instalacion / reinstalacion que hice)

  2. Tue Sep 20 15:45:35 2011

    Si pones usuario y clave incorrectos y te vuelve a preguntar, entonces la conexion al puerto 4445 esta ok, ahora, si pones usuario y clave correctos y se queda pensando, entonces el cliente javascript esta roto. Quizas tengas en cache la version vieja corriendo con un servidor nuevo. Un cliente version 2.20 puede tener problemas conectando con el servidor 2.22.

    En cualquier caso, prueba siempre con un navegador diferente, eso te permitira tambien ir descartando posibilidades. Y si la aplicacion javascript esta rota por algun motivo, ese motivo lo veras casi con seguridad abriendo la consola javascript de safari/chrome, o bien instalando firebug para firefox y mirando alli. Incluso la consola javascript de IE9 funciona bien.

    Gracias por contestar Nicolas.

    en realidad, ya probe con Iexplore, chrome y firefox.

    Tengo otro servidor mas viejo con fop2.11 (64bits) y funciona perfecto.
    Sin embargo con este mas nuevo tengo dicho inconveniente.

    No te entiendo a que te referis con

    Un cliente version 2.20 puede tener problemas conectando con el servidor 2.22.

    es decir, si instalo fop2.22 , entiendo que se instala el servidor 2.22 y el cliente 2.22
    en /usr/local/fop/ y en /var/www/html/fop2 respectivamente.

    digo bien?

    porque asi es como lo tengo instalado

  3. Tue Sep 20 00:51:29 2011

    In the other hand, if your are prompted once to login and then attempts to connect and retries until timeout, then you have to check if fop2 server is running, if port 4445 is being taken by fop2 server (and not fop1), that you do not have personal firewalls or flash blockers, etc. Problemas and solutions are listed in the FAQ and in around 20% of the posts in this forum.

    Yo tengo exactamente ese problema....

    tengo fop2 corriendo, el puerto 4445 abierto (fop1 desactivado) , y el navegador queda
    mostrando "Connecting to server, attempt number : 1" durante algunos minutos, y
    al cabo de un tiempo con el mensaje "Could not connect to server"

    problema de usuario y contraseña no tengo, ya que lo he corroborado con

    [root@jorju src]# /usr/local/fop2/

    group=All Buttons:SIP/113,SIP/123,ZAP/7,SIP/SIM1,SIP/125,SIP/103,SIP/126,SIP/127,SIP/128,SIP/102,SIP/129,PARK/default,SIP/130,ZAP/1,SIP/131,ZAP/5,SIP/132,ZAP/4,SIP/4987713,SIP/124,SIP/122,SIP/114,SIP/111,SIP/115,SIP/116,ZAP/6,SIP/112,SIP/110,SIP/118,SIP/117,SIP/108,ZAP/11,ZAP/8,SIP/119,SIP/105,SIP/120,SIP/104,SIP/121,SIP/134,SIP/4987718,SIP/232,SIP/302,SIP/226,QUEUE/999,SIP/224,ZAP/12,SIP/223,SIP/109,ZAP/3,SIP/234,SIP/SIM2,SIP/4987717,SIP/301,SIP/4987716,SIP/237,SIP/4987715,SIP/236,SIP/4987714,SIP/211,SIP/156,SIP/137,SIP/152,SIP/138,SIP/100,SIP/151,SIP/Secretaria Gerencia,SIP/136,SIP/4987711,SIP/154,SIP/101,SIP/155,SIP/135,ZAP/2,SIP/4987712
    group=All Extensions:SIP/109,SIP/118,SIP/111,SIP/302,SIP/100,SIP/108,SIP/102,SIP/101,SIP/103,SIP/104,SIP/105,SIP/Secretaria Gerencia,SIP/110,SIP/135,SIP/151,SIP/138,SIP/137,SIP/136,SIP/152,SIP/134,SIP/132,SIP/131,SIP/130,SIP/154,SIP/155,SIP/301,SIP/237,SIP/236,SIP/234,SIP/232,SIP/226,SIP/224,SIP/223,SIP/156,SIP/129,SIP/128,SIP/127,SIP/119,SIP/117,SIP/116,SIP/115,SIP/121,SIP/114,SIP/120,SIP/122,SIP/124,SIP/211,SIP/123,SIP/113,SIP/126,SIP/112,SIP/125
    group=All Queues:QUEUE/999
    group=All Trunks:ZAP/12,SIP/4987714,SIP/4987715,SIP/4987716,SIP/4987718,SIP/4987717,ZAP/8,ZAP/5,SIP/4987713,ZAP/7,ZAP/4,SIP/4987712,SIP/SIM2,ZAP/11,ZAP/6,SIP/4987711,ZAP/2,SIP/SIM1,ZAP/3,ZAP/1
    user=302:302:all:All Trunks,All Conferences,All Extensions,All Buttons

    para ello he utilizado el user y pass 302 / 302
    si pongo un pass incorrecto me da la pantalla de error

    pero si pongo user y pass correcto, sucede lo que indique....

    version 2.22 para 64 bits bajo centox (elastix 2.0.3)

    ahora tambien me dejo de funcionar la licencia (sera por tantas
    pruebas de instalacion y desinstalacion que hice de fop2?)

    ayuda, por favor.!


  4. Tue Sep 20 00:42:04 2011
    mac86 posted in Another login problem.

    According to your capture log you are authenticating correctly... you might have some kind of web client inconsistency/issue.

    I have seen this when:

    1. you use an old fop2 client with a newer server
    2. you have a mixed salad for fop1 and fop2 all on some directory instead of a clean /fop2 as packaged in the tarball
    3. you have some manual configurations that use non ascii characters and config files are NOT saved in utf8

    In any case, you should try to debug on the client side.. one easy test is to try another browser. If you can try chrome or safari, they include a nice javascript console that will give you pointers on what is going on.

    Thank for you reply Nicolas, but I'm very frustrated with fop2.

    I'm using fop2-2.22-centos5-x86_64.tgz (client and server!)
    Also, I'm not using non ascii characters in my config file.

    I've tried so many times re-install fop2, and I've tried also fop2-2.11-centos5-x86_64.tgz with same results.

    And, now, my license key code not work any more.
    I'm very frustred with this setup.

    I've purchased another fop2 license for other server, and that server works very well with 2.11 (i386).

    All servers are elastix based.
    Por favor nicolas dame una mano, ahora ademas de no funcionar el FOP2
    tampoco me funciona la licencia!

    gracias y espero poder solucionarlo para poder aplicar FOP2 a todos mis
    servidores elastix.

  5. Sat Sep 17 17:36:35 2011
    mac86 started the conversation Another login problem.


    I've installed FOP2 under elastix on Centos 64 bit, also freepbx fop2 module
    without problems

    Configured manager connection (from freepbx interface), and purchased fop2 license

    [root@jorju ~]# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - Valid License (1)
    Connection to manager OK!

    Of course, I've disabled fop2

    [root@jorju ~]# grep FOPRUN /etc/amportal.conf
    # FOPRUN: set to true if you want FOP started by freepbx_engine (amportal_start), false otherwise

    then on 4445 port is running fop2

    [root@jorju ~]#  netstat -lnp | grep 4445
    tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      23275/fop2_server

    Also, I don't have firewall rules for tcp 4445 traffic (fop1 was working without problems on 4445 before install fop2)

    Others settings

    cat /etc/asterisk/sip_general_custom.conf

    How ever, I can't login to web fop2 interface.

    I've setup user 302 with password 302 (from fop2 freepbx web admin module)

    this is my fop2.cfg

    ; AMI definitions

    ; Daemon definitios
    listen_port = 4445
    ;restrict_host =
    ;web_dir = /var/www/html/operator/fop2

    ; Global Config
    poll_interval = 86400
    poll_voicemail = 1
    monitor_ipaddress = 0

    ; Force blind transfer on asterisk 1.6
    blind_transfer = 1

    ; Force supervised transfer on asterisk 1.4
    ; requires the atxfer manager backport patch
    ; supervised_transfer = 1

    ; Force delimiter for asterisk applications
    ; force_parameter_delimiter = ","

    ; When adding or removing members to a queue, fop2 will default to
    ; AddQueueMember/RemoveQueueMember commands. If you set use_agentlogin
    ; to 1, together with the QueueChannel in a button definition set to
    ; an Agent number it will use AgentCallbackLogin and Agentlogoff instead.
    ; use_agentlogin = 0

    ; Master Password that overrides any individual one
    ;master_key = 5678

    ; Options to send to chan_spy when doing a Listen action
    ; This global setting is overriden by the individual button
    ; spyoptions directive if set (in the button config).
    ; Asterisk 1.6.1 or higher has the option "d" that lets you
    ; switch spying modes using the keypad:
    ;4 = spy mode
    ;5 = whisper mode
    ;6 = barge mode

    ; Options to send to chan_spy when doing a Whisper action
    ; In Asterisk 1.6.1 or higher you can use B to enable barge (speak
    ; to both channels on a call).
    whisper_options = "w"

    ; When you spy to an ongoing call, your spy session will end as
    ; soon as the conversation you are listening to finishes. If you
    ; rather keep the chan spy session open after the call end, uncomment
    ; the following line.

    ; Filename to use when start monitoring, you can use ${UNIQUEID},
    ; and date formats %Y %m %d to construct the filename.
    ; Settings for modifying the recording filename
    ; Available variables are:
    ; ${UNIQUEID} = Unique Id of the call
    ; ${TIMESTAMP} = Unix Timestamp when the recording was initiated
    ; ${CLIDNUM} = Callerid or Dialed number for the active call
    ; ${CLIDNAME} = Callerid name for the active call
    ; ${DEST_EXTENSION} = Target extenstion being monitored
    ; ${ORIG_EXTENSION} = Extension/User that started the recording (not
    ; the other leg)
    ; ${MBOX} = Mailbox of the extension/user that startend the
    ; recording
    ; Date variables:
    ; %Y 4 digits year
    ; %y 2 digits year
    ; %m 2 digits month
    ; %d 2 digits day
    ; %h 2 digits hour
    ; %i 2 digits minute
    ; %s 2 digits seconds

    ; For elastix Monitoring Tab:
    ; monitor_filename=g${DEST_EXTENSION}-${UNIQUEID}

    ; For fop2 recording interface

    ; To enable the recording interface you must uncomment the following
    ; line, but also you might need to modify the script a little bit
    ; depending on the sox version you have installed.

    ; You could specify your own script to be executed when the recording
    ; is finished. It will receive 3 parameters, the complete
    ; path and filename of the IN leg, the OUT leg and the final
    ; recording NAME. You should run soxmix in your script to join
    ; the recordings into one file.
    ; monitor_exec=/var/lib/asterisk/bin/

    ; FOP2 can fire notifications/popups when an extension or queue
    ; member receives a call. The default behaviour is to show a
    ; notification on state RINGING (notify_on_ringing=1).
    ; To customize notifications, you must uncomment the custom_popup
    ; function in checkdir.php you can replace that notification with
    ; a custom popup function to integrate with other web applications.
    ; For call centers you might need to perform a popup not on the
    ; RINGING state but when the call is CONNECTED to an agent. If you
    ; set in the queue configuration in queues.conf the option
    ; eventwhencalled=yes and then set here notify_on_connect=1,
    ; fop2 will send notifications on queue connected calls
    ; during AGENTCONNECT events. This will only work for inbound calls
    ; from a queue.
    ; notify_on_ringing = 1
    ; notify_on_connect = 1

    ; Call pickup uses the pickupmark variable by default. In multi tenant
    ; systems this might lead to problems as you might end un picking up
    ; some other tenant call. In that case you might want to try to
    ; pickup the call by its context uncomenting the following line:
    ; no_pickupmark=1

    ; Path to your voicemail directory
    ; For voicemail to work the fop2 server must run on the same server
    ; as asterisk, or your voicemail directory must be network mounted

    ; By default IM chats are not logged/saved. If you uncomment
    ; the following parameter, all chats will be stored on the chatlog
    ; table inside the fop2settings.db sqlite database.
    ; save_chat_log=1

    ; Khomp GSM interface to send SMS messages
    ; If there is a card plugged, fop2 will auto discover it
    ; and use the first one available. If you want to change it
    ; to a fixed one, uncomemnt the folowing line and change the name
    ; to your liking
    ; khomp_gsm=Khomp/b0

    ; --- SAMPLE GROUPS ---
    ; group=queues:QUEUE/100,QUEUE/101
    ; group=deptA:SIP/100,SIP/101,SIP/102
    ; --- END SAMPLE ---

    ; --- SAMPLE USER LIST ---
    ; You can enumerate several permissions and groups separated by comma
    ; available permissions: 'all', 'dial', 'hangup', 'meetme', 'pickup',
    ; 'record', 'spy', 'transfer', 'whisper',
    ; 'queuemanager', 'queueagent', 'phonebook',
    ; 'chat', 'preferences', 'hangupself',
    ; 'recordself', 'voicemailadmin'
    ; user=620:1234:all:queues
    ; user=621:1234:dial,transfer,pickup:deptA
    ; user=622:1234:all
    ; user=623:1234:meetme,pickup
    ; buttonfile=buttons.cfg
    ; ------ END SAMPLE ------

    ; This line is NOT commented, it executes
    ; the autoconfig configuration for FreePBX

    If I run fop2 on debug mode

     /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -X 511

    I get a lot of info...

    when I try to login , I get this:

    ** MAIN New client connection

    • * MAIN AMI event received...
    • * MAIN Processing command received from flash clients... <= <msg data="GENERAL|contexto|1|" />

    -- PROCESS_FLASH_COMMAND origen GENERAL accion contexto destino 1 password => { "btn": "0", "cmd": "key", "data": "rM7TxbVHTeHjTneG4l", "slot": "" } => { "btn": "0@GENERAL", "cmd": "version", "data": "2.22!Jorgu!1", "slot": "" }

    • * MAIN AMI event received...
    • * MAIN Processing command received from flash clients... <= <msg data="1|auth|302|d218673e1822234266497bf555a190f3" />

    -- PROCESS_FLASH_COMMAND origen 1 accion auth destino 302 password d218673e1822234266497bf555a190f3




    VALIDAR USUARIO 302 OK con clave regular (

    ** SENDING BUTTONS from GENERAL to client at

    mi perm all = 0 (0) => { "btn": "0@GENERAL", "cmd": "preferences", "data": "e30=", "slot": "" } => { "btn": "0@GENERAL", "cmd": "vmailpath", "data": "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail", "slot": "" } => { "btn": "0@GENERAL", "cmd": "permit", "data": "YWxs", "slot": "" } => { "btn": "0@GENERAL", "cmd": "permitbtn", "data": "YWxsITA=", "slot": "" } => { "btn": "75@GENERAL", "cmd": "zbuttons", "data": "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", "slot": "" } => { "btn": "0@GENERAL", "cmd": "notionline", "data": "52", "slot": "0" }

    • * MAIN AMI event received...
    • * MAIN Processing command received from flash clients... <= <msg data="1|ping||" />

    -- PROCESS_FLASH_COMMAND origen 1 accion ping destino password => { "btn": "0", "cmd": "pong", "data": "PGRpdiBpZD0iI3tpZH0iPjxhIGhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZm9wMi5jb20iPkZPUDI8L2E+IC0gVmVyc2lvbiA8c3BhbiBpZD0iZm9wdmVyc2lvbiI+I3t2ZXJzaW9ufTwvc3Bhbj4gLSBMaXRlIFZlcnNpb24gLSBMaW1pdGVkIHRvIDE1IGV4dGVuc2lvbnMgLiBCdXkgaXQgPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5mb3AyLmNvbS9idXkucGhwIj5ub3c8L2E+IGZvciB1bmxpbWl0ZWQgZXh0ZW5zaW9ucy4gSWYgeW91IGFscmVhZHkgaGF2ZSBhIGNvZGUgZW50ZXIgaXQgPGEgaHJlZj0iIyIgb25DbGljaz0icmVnaXN0ZXIoKTsgcmV0dXJuIGZhbHNlOyI+aGVyZTwvYT48L2Rpdj4=", "slot": "" }

    • * MAIN AMI event received...
    • * MAIN Processing command received from flash clients... <= <msg data="1|ping||" />

    -- PROCESS_FLASH_COMMAND origen 1 accion ping destino password => { "btn": "0", "cmd": "pong", "data": "PGRpdiBpZD0iI3tpZH0iPjxhIGhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZm9wMi5jb20iPkZPUDI8L2E+IC0gVmVyc2lvbiA8c3BhbiBpZD0iZm9wdmVyc2lvbiI+I3t2ZXJzaW9ufTwvc3Bhbj4gLSBMaXRlIFZlcnNpb24gLSBMaW1pdGVkIHRvIDE1IGV4dGVuc2lvbnMgLiBCdXkgaXQgPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5mb3AyLmNvbS9idXkucGhwIj5ub3c8L2E+IGZvciB1bmxpbWl0ZWQgZXh0ZW5zaW9ucy4gSWYgeW91IGFscmVhZHkgaGF2ZSBhIGNvZGUgZW50ZXIgaXQgPGEgaHJlZj0iIyIgb25DbGljaz0icmVnaXN0ZXIoKTsgcmV0dXJuIGZhbHNlOyI+aGVyZTwvYT48L2Rpdj4=", "slot": "" }

    • * MAIN AMI event received...
    • * MAIN Processing command received from flash clients... <= <msg data="1|ping||" />

    -- PROCESS_FLASH_COMMAND origen 1 accion ping destino password => { "btn": "0", "cmd": "pong", "data": "PGRpdiBpZD0iI3tpZH0iPjxhIGhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZm9wMi5jb20iPkZPUDI8L2E+IC0gVmVyc2lvbiA8c3BhbiBpZD0iZm9wdmVyc2lvbiI+I3t2ZXJzaW9ufTwvc3Bhbj4gLSBMaXRlIFZlcnNpb24gLSBMaW1pdGVkIHRvIDE1IGV4dGVuc2lvbnMgLiBCdXkgaXQgPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5mb3AyLmNvbS9idXkucGhwIj5ub3c8L2E+IGZvciB1bmxpbWl0ZWQgZXh0ZW5zaW9ucy4gSWYgeW91IGFscmVhZHkgaGF2ZSBhIGNvZGUgZW50ZXIgaXQgPGEgaHJlZj0iIyIgb25DbGljaz0icmVnaXN0ZXIoKTsgcmV0dXJuIGZhbHNlOyI+aGVyZTwvYT48L2Rpdj4=", "slot": "" }

    • * MAIN AMI event received...
    • * MAIN Processing command received from flash clients... <= <msg data="1|ping||" />

    -- PROCESS_FLASH_COMMAND origen 1 accion ping destino password => { "btn": "0", "cmd": "pong", "data": "PGRpdiBpZD0iI3tpZH0iPjxhIGhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZm9wMi5jb20iPkZPUDI8L2E+IC0gVmVyc2lvbiA8c3BhbiBpZD0iZm9wdmVyc2lvbiI+I3t2ZXJzaW9ufTwvc3Bhbj4gLSBMaXRlIFZlcnNpb24gLSBMaW1pdGVkIHRvIDE1IGV4dGVuc2lvbnMgLiBCdXkgaXQgPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5mb3AyLmNvbS9idXkucGhwIj5ub3c8L2E+IGZvciB1bmxpbWl0ZWQgZXh0ZW5zaW9ucy4gSWYgeW91IGFscmVhZHkgaGF2ZSBhIGNvZGUgZW50ZXIgaXQgPGEgaHJlZj0iIyIgb25DbGljaz0icmVnaXN0ZXIoKTsgcmV0dXJuIGZhbHNlOyI+aGVyZTwvYT48L2Rpdj4=", "slot": "" }

    • * MAIN AMI event received...
    • * MAIN Processing command received from flash clients... <= <msg data="1|ping||" />

    -- PROCESS_FLASH_COMMAND origen 1 accion ping destino password => { "btn": "0", "cmd": "pong", "data": "PGRpdiBpZD0iI3tpZH0iPjxhIGhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZm9wMi5jb20iPkZPUDI8L2E+IC0gVmVyc2lvbiA8c3BhbiBpZD0iZm9wdmVyc2lvbiI+I3t2ZXJzaW9ufTwvc3Bhbj4gLSBMaXRlIFZlcnNpb24gLSBMaW1pdGVkIHRvIDE1IGV4dGVuc2lvbnMgLiBCdXkgaXQgPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5mb3AyLmNvbS9idXkucGhwIj5ub3c8L2E+IGZvciB1bmxpbWl0ZWQgZXh0ZW5zaW9ucy4gSWYgeW91IGFscmVhZHkgaGF2ZSBhIGNvZGUgZW50ZXIgaXQgPGEgaHJlZj0iIyIgb25DbGljaz0icmVnaXN0ZXIoKTsgcmV0dXJuIGZhbHNlOyI+aGVyZTwvYT48L2Rpdj4=", "slot": "" }