

Last active 12 years ago

  1. 12 years ago
    Sun Feb 12 13:55:47 2012

    hi nicolas,

    thanks for the update ...

    as far as distros go, afaik trixbox is pretty much a dead project -- amazingly inept. from there i went to freepbx distro, but they have a very slow repository, and the rpms are unsigned. very dangerous -- a simple dns atatck, and you're cooked.

    i took a loook at other distros, and simply decided that the best and most secure way was install a signed distro (centos 6 in my case), installed the development tools, downloaded the signed tarballs from asterisk and freepbx, and just built my own. so much more control and it has been running with marvelous stability. i'm now in charge of when i upgrade kernels, and asterisk versions -- i'm much happier doing this -- it's a bit more work, but a far more granual approach. centos 6 has php 2.3 right in the repository, and the epel for extra stuff.

    freepbx distro, starting a few months back, included the 2.10 rc1 as part of their yum updates (although you need to run a script to get it to update properly), so there will be more users on 2.10 as time goes by. i just checked the freepbx web site, and they are are now on beta2, so i suspect that the final release will be available within a reasonable amount of time.

    thanks for your projects -- they are just great.



  2. Sat Feb 11 11:13:54 2012
    mayak started the conversation [OT] asternic_cdr 1.4 on freebox-2.10.

    hi nicolas,

    from my previous post:

    • i have an asterisk 1.8.9 installed on centos 6 x64 with freepbx 2.10.beta1
    • i have installed and activated fop2-2.24-centos5-x86_64.tgz with the license.
    • i have installed the freepbx fop2 management module 1.2.10 :-)

    - i have now installed asternic asternic_cdr-1.4.tgz

    amportal doesn't restart as the module makes reference to inexistant fpdf files ...
    i installed php-fpdf from the epel repo and modified:


    near line 260 (created symlink in this directory pointing to fpd.php and the font directory). amportal now restarts

    the reports screen *almost* displays correctly, but is non functional -- extensions are displayed, but cdr info.

    should i be looking somewhere else to fix?



  3. Sat Feb 11 10:33:35 2012

    hi nicolas,

    the new version is perfect :-)



  4. Thu Feb 9 14:18:04 2012

    hi all,

    • i have an asterisk 1.8.9 installed on centos 6 x64 with freepbx 2.10.beta1
    • i have installed and activated fop2-2.24-centos5-x86_64.tgz with the license.
    • i have installed the freepbx fop2 management module 1.2.9

    i have the same issue as described here -- firefox not working, but internet explorer is working.



  5. 14 years ago
    Mon May 3 15:16:21 2010
    mayak started the conversation iax2 peers show as registered when not.

    hi all,

    i just purchased the licensed version of fop2 -- very nice!

    i am windering, though, why 3 users that connect using iax2 to softphones are showing "green" as registered when in fact, they are offline.

    Is there a parameter for this?
