Last active 12 years ago
Just setup a system with the latest FreePBX ( and Asterisk 1.8 ( and I’m having issues with getting the DAHDI trunks showing any activity in FOP2.
Running a "core show channels concise" shows the DAHDI channel being reported as “DAHDI/i1/7700843635-3f4”, “DAHDI/i1/4827465532-3f5”, “DAHDI/i1/8370262141-3f6”, and so on. So it seems like the DAHDI channels now report as “DAHDI/interface number/phone number-uniqueID”.
How would I get my DAHDI trunks to display in FOP2 now?
I am running freepbx 2.9 but with a custom login/out queue script for BLF support. Thanks for your help, option 1 worked great!
I just upgraded to FOP 2.24 & Fop2Admin 1.2.9 and now I unable to set my correct queue channel for login. Users are getting logged in as "Andy (Local/305@from-queue/n)" and it needs to be "Local/305@from-internal/n". In the prior version it worked fine since I was able to use the ‘queuechannel’ field in the FOP2Admin 1.1 to set it. It’s no longer in the FOP2Admin 1.2.9. I tried to manually add “queuechannel=Local/305@from-internal/n” to the op_buttons_additional.cfg just to test and still had no effect.
It would be helpful when adding members to a queue that you could also set the members penalty. You can currently set the members “Queue Channel”, maybe some syntax “Queue Channel, Penalty” to allow FOP2 to set the members penalty level. “Queue Channel” without the extra option wouldn’t set a penalty and would function as is. Penalty is an integer zero or greater.
All you would need to do is add one additional parameter to your AddQueueMember call.
Asterisk <=1.4
Asterisk >=1.6
Full functions.
AddQueueMember(queuename[|interface[|penalty]]): (1.0)
AddQueueMember(queuename[|interface[|penalty[|options]]]): (1.2)
AddQueueMember(queuename[|interface[|penalty[|options[|membername]]]]): (1.4)
AddQueueMember(queuename[,interface[,penalty[,options[,membername[,stateinterface]]]]])): (1.6+)
When adding or removing members to a queue, fop2 uses the default AddQueueMember/RemoveQueueMember commands. Is there any way that I can set the members penalty? AddQueueMember(queuename[,interface[,penalty[,options[,membername[,stateinterface]]]]]))
Works great, Thx.
Runing 2.11 for i386 Centos 5 and still getting this from Asterisk:
The application delimiter is now the comma, not the pipe. Did you forget to convert your dialplan? (ChanSpy(SIP/339|w))