

Last active 5 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Fri Mar 16 00:48:37 2018
    BlazeStudios posted in Is fop2 dead?.

    Well it would seem there is a new update out there. I had quite a few paid plugins, including the one that had my bug report on it, marked as "Upgrade".

    I've upgraded all and now the bug has been fixed. I've also noticed an upgraded version of FOP2 was released less than 3 weeks ago, just no notice.

  2. Wed Mar 14 13:29:51 2018
    BlazeStudios posted in Is fop2 dead?.

    Honestly, as far as I am concerned the project is pretty much dead. Keep in mind this is from someone, who in the last 12 months, has given Asternic/FOP2 almost $1,000 USD for all the pro licensing and the majority of plugins. In that time I opened a single bug ticket on a rather simple bug and it's been idle for almost 9 months now. Not even a single reply to it.

    But if you look at it overall, there has been no major or significant update to FOP2 in years. Chan_SIP has been dead since August or so of 2014. It's 100% community supported now, Digium doesn't touch it anymore. Just like IAX2 (which has been dead longer).

    Asterisk has had numerous updates and additions to it, not just with PJSIP but all around. The applications and functions have been updated. Some functions have been deprecated, new functions have been added. Asterisk Manager Interface has had updates/additions not to mention the introduction of ARI.

    As of right now any version of Asterisk that isn't 13 or 15 is completely, 100% unsupported and will never see any updates, bug or security fixes. This just isn't a FOP2 issue, it seems that many third-party companies that have made their mark on Asterisk programs all stopped trying and/or caring around Asterisk 12. It's been almost 4 years or so since these updates and changes have been around. Plenty of time to have made updates.

    This is the problem I had with Issabel. I had a Issabel box running for 2 hours, that's it. Long enough for me to spin it up and see that all of its core pieces are based on End of Life and unsupported versions of Asterisk and FreePBX. I could never put an Issabel system in for a client due to those facts alone.

    At this point, since there is a serious lack of support and development on FOP2. I'm going to have to spend 2018 either finding another solution and writing off all the money I spent on FOP2/Asternic. Or I'm going to have to tear apart FOP2 and just make it work with the current versions of Asterisk and move forward that way.

  3. 7 years ago
    Tue Jun 13 00:50:48 2017
    BlazeStudios joined the forum.