

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 13 years ago
    Thu May 26 16:34:46 2011

    on the fop2?
    it was work but i don't remember what i change

  2. Thu May 26 13:53:08 2011
    kobmz1 started the conversation indication abut online or offline extension.

    I don’t get any indication abut online or offline extension
    I change something and I don’t remember what
    can someone help me to find what worng ?

  3. 14 years ago
    Wed May 5 06:50:04 2010
    kobmz1 started the conversation Trunk Buttons.

    how can i change the order of the trunk buttons

  4. Sun Apr 18 11:09:12 2010
    kobmz1 started the conversation 2 Line in Trunk.

    how can I enable to see more then 2 online line in the trunks?

  5. Mon Apr 12 03:44:27 2010
    kobmz1 started the conversation Action submenu.

    I need to do something that the Action submenu will show and work ?

  6. Sun Apr 11 03:04:27 2010

    i try and it work

  7. Sun Apr 4 18:42:37 2010

    when i run the command i get
    Can't listen to port 4445
    what to do ?

  8. Sun Apr 4 06:38:11 2010
    kobmz1 started the conversation backup config.

    I need to install the fop2 on new server
    What file I need to backup and move to the new server?
    I made a lot of change

  9. Sun Apr 4 06:35:43 2010
    kobmz1 started the conversation toolbar buttons nothing happens upon click.

    Whay noting happened when I pres the bottom ?
    I need to do Something ?
    just the record will work
    I have user whit all premising

  10. Fri Apr 2 10:22:58 2010

    the same thing

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