

Last active 11 years ago

  1. 14 years ago
    Thu Nov 12 07:22:27 2009


    Can you confirm that you did indeed update the tarballs. My panel is just installed is behaving as described in this thread, and i downloaded the installs last week.

  2. Thu Oct 15 06:49:28 2009

    yeah, i can confirm this. changed the fop1 ports last night, and fop2 works now, so does not seem like one can change the port on fop2...

  3. Wed Oct 14 13:38:29 2009


    I've setup FOP2 to run on port 4448. I have two FOP1 on server currently (running on 4444 and 4445) and i cannot change there ports at this time, so my only option to test FOP2 was to change the port on FOP2.

    when i log in to fop2 it asks me to login, and after that it just hangs at Connecting to server, attempt number : 1 ...

    Any ideas why this is happening?