ZAP Buttons

  1. 14 years ago

    I use a digium card with 4 lines
    How can I make a ZAP button for each of our incoming lines where the label would say the number:
    I try this but did not work too well


  2. I just discovered that the ZAP will show as DAHDI. looking at the code in I see all has the DAHDI heading, is there a reason for it?

    Where does it create the button.cfg file when it runs?

    I need to show it each line separate with the number as the line label, something like this maybe but this does not work.

  3. admin

    14 Jan 2010 Administrator

    the above does not make much sense. Dahdi replaced Zap, so you can just remove the channel line, if you want to catch both zap/dahdi appeareances in ami events , you might want to set the channel number the same as the button itself.. (zap/2, dahdi/2).

    Now, the script will override the changes you add by hand in the buttons.cfg file. Either add your zap lines manually by modifying the script, or you can also go "all manual" and write your own buttons.cfg file.

    The #exec line will execute the script/program you put there, and it will read stdout and parse it as regular configs for fop2. So it is not STORED anywhere, it is executed and parsed when you start or reload fop2.

    You can add a bunch of

    echo "[ZAP/2]"
    echo "type=trunk"
    echo "label=line 2"

    at the end of the script for example.

    One last thing: the latest beta lets you mix #exec and static configs with no problems.

    Best regards,

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