fop2_server --test error

  1. 15 years ago

    Hello all

    I'm trying to install FOP2 on my freepbx-based installation, called Meucci, made in Brazil by a Hardware Company. This system is Suse-based. I'm getting this error when I try to test configs:

    pbx:/usr/local/fop2 # ./fop2_server --test
    Can't load '/tmp/par-root/cache-851e17cb617ed2e6048ccf19f13b1729cb984863/' for module Filter::Crypto::Decrypt: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 230.
     at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/PAR/ line 109
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /tmp/par-root/cache-851e17cb617ed2e6048ccf19f13b1729cb984863/inc/lib/Filter/Crypto/ line 37.
    Compilation failed in require at script/ line 1.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at script/ line 1.

    Is this error about my distro?
    I've checked and the correct path would be t /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i586-linux-thread-multi/ [the server is calling i386 folder]. But there's no on this folder.

    Thanks for your attention.

  2. Not sure that [url=]SUSE[/url:qiqci7zy] is supported, as its not based on any other Distro.

  3. admin

    7 Aug 2009 Administrator

    SUSE is not yet released. Some distributions are taking longer because they ship with a debugging perl version, and FOP2 is not compatible with a debugging perl. So I have to first compile perl with NO DEBUG for the distribution, then make the package and finally the users will need to update their perls to the no debugging version too. All of this takes time. Currently I have this kind of problems with Fedora and SUSE, also Centos 4 but I already did the proper packages for it.

    I finally have a new server that I will use as a virtual compile farm... I am finishing installation and I will be able to compile also some missing 64 bit versions. Hopefully I will have Lenny 64 bits version today.

  4. hi!

    i'm getting this error when typing fop2_server --test:
    -bash: fop2_server: command not found

    and after restart, i got this permanent error:
    Can't listen to port 4445

    i've set up everything according to the instructions here.
    at startup it says fop2 [OK]

    please help me

  5. admin

    25 Aug 2009 Administrator

    You might need to disable FOP1 or change its port to something else, like 4444 (look for fop1 op_server.cfg and change listen_port)


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