Chrome extension 1.0.6 released

  1. 10 years ago


    21 Aug 2014 Administrator
    Edited 10 years ago by admin

    I have just released an update to the popular Google Chrome extension for FOP2. This new version adds a context menu option to dial selected text. If the content parser fails to convert a number to click to dial, you can use text selection + right click to dial those numbers.

    Check the details in the Chrome Web Store


  2. 9 years ago

    This is so much better and easier than the complicated TAPI setup one my CRM products requires.

    The only issue I have is that with a CRM called Zoho that uses Ajax (I believe, I'm not familiar with these things) , it doesn't detect the page changes.

    I tried using Tampermonkey and waitForKeyElements.js to catch the number element, remove the skype link Zoho adds. Then I have to manually refresh the page for the FOP2 extension to recognize it. I'm not sure if there's a way to tell the extension to scan the page again without manually hitting F5.

  3. admin

    7 Nov 2014 Administrator

    Right now the plugin does not work with any kind of dynamic content, I will see if I can update it in the future. In the meantime, you can select the number, right click for the context menu and fire a dial from there.

  4. Can I have a list of all variables that can be passed like #{CLIDNUM}. I want to captured the dialed number
    called DNID is it possible with this extension. like #{CLIDNUM}, #{CLIDNAME}, #{UNIQUEID} I need to have
    #{DNID} or #{CLIDNID} I need to have dialed numbers.
    Waiting for the response.

  5. admin

    12 Nov 2014 Administrator

    If in your dialplan you have SetVar (xxxxx) then that variable xxxx might become available by the same name. The dialplan is yours to configure, so there is no fixed variable except for the ones mentioned in the sample. If you use FreePBX, one possibility is to try #{FROM_DID}

    Best regards,

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