What variables are available in the checkdir.php

  1. 14 years ago


    What variables are available in the checkdir.php for use when calling a popup. importantly I want the logged in user extension. This is because I have integrated the fop2 with a separate click2call and crm lookup page.

    what I want to do is

    echo "window.open('cli-crm.php?cliN=$clidnum&queN=$fromqueue&user=$userid','cli-crm')";

    The first 2 variables work fine I just don't want to have to hard code all users extension numbers so to be ablel to pass the users extension would be great.


  2. Hi,

    I'm interested to know called extension number (or the connected user which should be same) in checkdir.php too. I think it's a good feature to can do different things depending of the connected user.

    Best regards,


  3. removed for now :)

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